tech venture business » Page 'スタートアップの成功はTシャツから'




で、そのTシャツですが、「自社Tシャツを作ることが実はすごく重要」という話を最近読んだので紹介します。LinkedInなどを経てきたAdam Nashはブログで5つの理由を述べてます。以下要点を抜粋して、コメントを付します。

1.Empowerment (エンパワーメント)

Giving out t-shirts tells your employees, implicitly, that you get it.  You hire only the best, and the best can wear whatever they want.  It says you know that you value merit over appearance; a working prototype over an MBA.


2. Incentives (インセンティブ)

Let me just tell you, free t-shirts evoke some sort of primal response at a high tech company.  …..

You’d be shocked at what a $200 per person per year budget for t-shirts will do for employee morale comparatively.


3. Tribal Cohesion(同族の結束)

It may sound subversive, but t-shirts can provide many of the same benefits of camaraderie and tribal cohesion that uniforms did, without the top-down oppression.


4. Tenure Based Seniority (在職期間による序列)

High tech companies are largely meritocratic, and as they grow they tend to define roles based on skills & experience rather than “time at the company”.  However, there are positive aspects to rewarding those who have “bled for the company” over the years, and put their hearts and souls into building the business.  T-Shirts, in an innocuous way, implicitly do this by almost always becoming “limited editions”.

基本的に実力主義でポジションは年数に関係ないが、時に厳しい立ち上げの時期から支えてきた古株に敬意を示すのは良いことだ。それはTシャツを機会ごとに「限定」でつくることで、暗に達成できる。例えば今では数百人の規模に成長したが、数年前のVersion 1.oローンチを記念したTシャツはそれを牽引した10人しか持っていない。それは新入りには羨望に値するもので、古株はプライドを感じる。

5. Branding (ブランディング)

While being careful not to interfere with the uniqueness of shirts given to employees, make shirts for your developers, your fans, your early adopters.  Long before they become vocal advocates for your brand, they will gladly showcase it if you let them.








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